Time schedule by speaker > Reinsch Stefan

A new robot-assisted compositional screening method
Stefan Reinsch  1, *@  , Tina Waurischk  1@  , Felix Arendt  2@  , Andreas Diegeler  3@  , Ralf Müller  1@  
1 : Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung u. -prüfung (BAM)
2 : Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
3 : Fraunhofer ISC
* : Corresponding author

The system Na2O-B2O3-SiO2 (NBS) is the basis of many industrial glass applications and therefore one of the most studied systems at all. Glass formation is possible over a wide compositional range, but the system also contains ranges of pronounced phase separation and crystallization tendency. Despite its impor­tance, experimental data are limited to few compositional areas. The general understanding and modelling of glass formation, phase separation, and crystallization in this system would therefore be easier if small step melt series could be studied. The efficient melting of such glass series is now possible with the new robotic glass melting system at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM, Division Glasses). Using three exemplary joins within this NBS system, the small step changes of glass transition temperature (Tg), crystallization behavior as well as glass density was studied. Additionally, experimental Tg and density data were compared with their modeled counterparts using SciGlass and a newly developed DFT model, respectively.

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