Tuesday, May 23, 2023 | |
8:15 - 10:15 (2h)
Room A
›8:15 (2h)
› Room B
8:15 - 10:15 (2h)
Session 6 - Glass-ceramic / Crystallization / Nano and microtexturation
Room B
Joachim Deubener
› Non-stoichiometric nano-crystallization in magmas: the impact of compositional change on viscosity
- Luiz Pereira, Ludwig-Maximilians University [Munich]
08:15-08:45 (30min)
› The crystallization process of gel-derived SiO2-TiO2 amorphous nanobeads followed by an in situ high-temperature study
- Cécile Genevois, Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation
08:45-09:15 (30min)
› Viscosity and glass transition of lithium aluminosilicate glasses containing ZrO2 nanocrystals
- Jessica Löschmann, Institute of Non-Metallic Materials; Clausthal University of Technology
09:15-09:30 (15min)
› Study of the amorphous phase separation of sodium borosilicate glasses by impedance spectroscopy
- Arthur Cachot, Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation
09:30-09:45 (15min)
› Kinetics and spatial correlations in phase separated soda-lime-silica glasses
- Kevin Przepiora, 4MAT, Université Libre Bruxelles, AGC Glass Europe
09:45-10:00 (15min)
› Effect of Al2O3 on microstructure and chemical durability of phase-separating Na2O-B2O3-SiO2 glasses
- Stephan Sander, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Glass Science and Technology
10:00-10:15 (15min)
›8:15 (2h)
Session 8 - Glasses for waste storage / Nuclear waste Glasses / Environment
Session nuclear glass - Sophie Schuller & Daniel Caurant › Room C
8:15 - 10:15 (2h)
Session 8 - Glasses for waste storage / Nuclear waste Glasses / Environment
Room C
Session nuclear glass - Sophie Schuller & Daniel Caurant
› Glasses for the conditioning of fission products and minor actinides: solubility limits and implications
- Lionel Campayo, CEA Marcoule, DES, ISEC, DE2D
08:15-08:45 (30min)
› Modelisation of liquid nuclear waste vitrification : focus on the chemical processes
- Zineb Nabyl, Laboratoire de Développement des Procédés de Vitrification
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› Incorporation of rhenium into borosilicate glasses
- Leith GHAZZAI, CEA/DES/ISEC/DPME/Univ. Montpellier, Marcoule, France
09:00-09:15 (15min)
- Sami Soudani, Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences [UMR_C 6112], Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel
09:15-09:30 (15min)
- Yann Morizet, Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences [UMR_C 6112]
09:30-09:45 (15min)
› He incorporation in nuclear waste glass: Insight from Density functional theory
- El Mehdi Ghardi, Bangor University, Bangor LL57 1UT, UK,
09:45-10:00 (15min)
›8:15 (2h)
Session 7 - Modeling Glass / Process control / Deep learning in the Glass industry
Session process control - Michel Gaubil › Room A
8:15 - 10:15 (2h)
Session 7 - Modeling Glass / Process control / Deep learning in the Glass industry
Room A
Session process control - Michel Gaubil
› Monitoring glass furnace regenerator : a challenge to improve thermal efficiency and decrease CO2 emission
- Zi Kang Low , SEFPRO
08:30-09:00 (30min)
› Dusting and caking tendencies in decarbonated glass batches
- Fabio Gygas, Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
09:00-09:15 (15min)
› Ni-based and Zr-based bulk metallic glasses: Changes in mechanisms of friction and wear
- Zhijian Zhou, Laboratoire de Mécanique des Contacts et des Structures [Villeurbanne]
09:15-09:30 (15min)
› 3D printing of glasses by digital light processing, binder jetting, fused deposition modelling & direct melt printing
- Tihitnaw Degu, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
09:30-09:45 (15min)
› CO sensoring to control the combustion process
- Marco van Kersbergen, CelSian - Laurent Villa, Saverglass France - Mathi Rongen, CelSian - Corinne Claireaux, CelSian
09:45-10:15 (30min)
›10:15 (30min)
10:15 - 10:45 (30min)
›10:45 (1h30)
10:45 - 12:15 (1h30)
›10:45 (1h30)
› Room B
10:45 - 12:15 (1h30)
Session 6 - Glass-ceramic / Crystallization / Nano and microtexturation
Room B
Laurent Cormier
› Searching for new crystalline compounds by combining glass-crystallisation synthesis with compositional prediction methods: the SrO-Al2O3-SiO2 system as a test case
- Michael Pitcher, CEMHTI
10:45-11:15 (30min)
› Nucleation and growth processes leading to new glass-ceramics in the bismuth borotellurite system: evidences for a chemical demixtion phenomenon
- Jean-René DUCLERE, Institut de Recherche sur les CERamiques
11:15-11:30 (15min)
› Structure and multiple RE3+ luminescence sites of highly nonstoichiometric GAG
- xue FANG, CNRS-CEMHTI, Mathieu Allix, Michael Pitcher
11:30-11:45 (15min)
› Mechano-optical couplings in an oxynitride glass-ceramic
- Alexis Duval, Institut de Physique de Rennes
11:45-12:00 (15min)
› Mechano-luminescence from Cr3+-doped glass ceramics and glass-crystal composites
- Jiangkun Cao, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research, Fraunhoferstraße 6, 07743 Jena, Germany
12:00-12:15 (15min)
›10:45 (1h30)
Session 8 - Glasses for waste storage / Nuclear waste Glasses / Environment
Session environment - Sophie Schuller & Daniel Caurant › Room C
10:45 - 12:15 (1h30)
Session 8 - Glasses for waste storage / Nuclear waste Glasses / Environment
Room C
Session environment - Sophie Schuller & Daniel Caurant
› Upcycling of waste glasses: engineering of chemical compositions and chemical attack
- Enrico Bernardo, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Padova, Italy.
10:45-11:15 (30min)
› Innovative construction materials from pharmaceutical glass waste
- Giulia Tameni, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Italy
11:15-11:30 (15min)
› Recycling-based contaminants in glass production and how to avoid them
- Dominic Walter, Hüttentechnische Vereinigung der Deutschen Glasindustrie (HVG) e.V. - Henrik Gustmann, Hüttentechnische Vereinigung der Deutschen Glasindustrie (HVG) e.V. - Nils-Holger Loeber, Hüttentechnische Vereinigung der Deutschen Glasindustrie (HVG) e.V.
11:30-11:45 (15min)
› Glasses in agriculture
- Franziska Scheffler, Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research, Friedrich Schiller University
11:45-12:00 (15min)
- Olivier DELATAULADE, Olivier de Lataulade
12:00-12:15 (15min)
›12:15 (1h30)
12:15 - 13:45 (1h30)
›13:45 (2h)
13:45 - 15:45 (2h)
›15:45 (30min)
15:45 - 16:15 (30min)
›16:15 (2h)
16:15 - 18:15 (2h)
›16:15 (2h)
Session 1 - High temperature properties / Hot forming / Secondary manufacturing / Link Properties structure / Mechanic of Glass
Session applications - Christoph Gross & Peggy Georges › Room A
16:15 - 18:15 (2h)
Session 1 - High temperature properties / Hot forming / Secondary manufacturing / Link Properties structure / Mechanic of Glass
Room A
Session applications - Christoph Gross & Peggy Georges
› New approaches for the preparation and characterisation of new glasses
- Martin Kilo, Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research
16:15-16:30 (15min)
› Thermal conductivity of lead-free solder glasses
- Annika Blum, Institute of Non-Metallic Materials, Clausthal University of Technology
16:30-16:45 (15min)
› Microstructural evolutions and thermomechanical properties of enameled glass for automotive applications
- Antoine Lejeune, Matériaux, ingénierie et science [Villeurbanne], Saint-Gobain Research Compiègne
16:45-17:00 (15min)
› Dissolution mechanisms of minerals in silicate liquids of industrial interest
- Fatima Tiemi Yoshizawa, Surface du Verre et Interfaces, L'Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie
17:00-17:15 (15min)
› Preparation of glass fibers from copper slag
- MD SAIF HOSSAIN, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
17:15-17:30 (15min)
› Structure and dynamics of glass forming Metal Organic Frameworks: NMR study of Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework ZIF-62
- Ieuan Cornu, Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation
17:30-17:45 (15min)
› Viscosity and structural studies of ternary silicate bioactive glasses
- Zhaorui Jin, Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research, Friedrich Schiller University
17:45-18:00 (15min)
› Criteria for Hydrogel Fillings in Fire-resistant Glass Window Panes
- Kai Göbgen, Institute of Mineral Engineering (RWTH Aachen University)
18:00-18:15 (15min)
›16:15 (2h)
› Room B
16:15 - 18:15 (2h)
Session 6 - Glass-ceramic / Crystallization / Nano and microtexturation
Room B
Ina Mitra
› Effect of Li2O excess on the crystallization sequence of LAS glass powders
- Gundula Helsch, Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Non-Metallic Materials, Germany
16:15-16:45 (30min)
› Transition metal stuffing in quartz solid solutions synthesized by containerless melting
- Alessio Zandona, Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation
16:45-17:00 (15min)
› Effect of nucleation time and temperature on the crystal growth behavior of lithium disilicate glass-ceramics, their microstructure, and mechanical properties for dental applications
- Samuel Abdelmaseh, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
17:00-17:15 (15min)
› Preparation of glasses with gold nanoparticles using melt-quenching and aerodynamic levitation coupled to laser heating
- Baborak Jan, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation
17:15-17:30 (15min)
› Influence of gas discharge treatments on glass-ceramic surfaces
- Jonas Hildebrand, Institute of Mineral Engineering (RWTH Aachen University)
17:30-17:45 (15min)
›16:15 (2h)
› Room C
16:15 - 18:15 (2h)
Session 5 - Glass surface and alteration / Coatings / Heritage
Room C
Session alteration - Frédéric Angeli
› Relationship between subsurface hardness and silicate network connectivity of soda-lime-silica glass surface modified by superheated steam
- Barsheek Roy, Keylab Glass Technology, University of Bayreuth
16:15-16:45 (30min)
› Assessment of the chemical durability of CVD-amorphous SiO2 thin films
- Farah Inoubli, CEMHTI (Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation)
16:45-17:00 (15min)
› Improvement of the mechanical and chemical durability properties of borosilicate glass vials for pharmaceutical packaging by Ion-Exchange treatment
- Ahmed Gamal Abd-Elsatar, FunGlass, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Trenčín, Slovakia., Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Padova, Italy.
17:00-17:15 (15min)
› Effect of boron and aluminum on the formation mechanisms of borosilicate glasses alteration gel
- Mélanie Taron, CEA, DES, ISEC, DPME, Université de Montpellier, Marcoule, France
17:15-17:30 (15min)
› Effect of magnesium on the structure and durability of borosilicate glasses
- Nicolas Bisbrouck, CEA/DES/ISEC/DPME, Université de Montpellier, Marcoule
17:30-17:45 (15min)
› Borosilicate glass alteration in vapor phase and aqueous medium : a NMR investigation
- Thibault CHARPENTIER, Nanosciences et Innovation pour les Matériaux, la Biomédecine et l'Energie
17:45-18:00 (15min)
›19:30 (3h30)
19:30 - 23:00 (3h30)
Session | Speech | Logistics | Break | Tour |